Journal Entry

Alex Schmidt, Washington State

Most of the other students arrived today. The American students did inventory of our equipment this morning. Then greeted the other students all afternoon. This morning Dana and I went for a walk along the river. We found a block of ice. We fished it out and took pictures of it. Then this afternoon we went for lunch and then we waited and greeted all the students. It was fun. We even found some by surprise…Shelly was suppose to find them first and it was by surprise because we found them before she did even though we left after her. Later on we had dinner with everyone except a couple who haven’t arrived yet. We also learned how to say hi in Greenlantic, “Haluu”.

Pictures from today

Meeting two new Greenlandic students at our first dinnerNivi and Aviaq, both Greenlandic students, enjoying dinner. Aggu and KunukThe only two gentlemen in the entire JSEP program, Aggu and Kunuk are both from Greenland. Bonna and MaleneBonna and Malene enjoying our first JSEP meal together. Both ladies are from Greenland. US, Danes, and GreenlandersOur first JSEP meal together, this was the table that wanted to meet new people From the back going clockwise there are two US (one teacher, one student), one Danish student, four Greenlandic students up front and two Danish students on the back left.

Kunuk Gundel, Illulissat, Greenland

Hey my name is Kunuk Gundel. I am 27 years old, born and raised in Ilulissat (Jakobshavn) In 2008 I became a carpenter and since then I´ve been working as a carpenter. I just started Aasiaat gymnasium, and just finished my first year. My dream is to become an arctic engineer. The first day is very fun, meet new people, nice people. Excited about tomorrow…

Kunuk GundelKunuk Gundel from Greenland is one of only two gentlemen participating in the Joint Science Education Project.


We learned how to say hi in Greenlandic, Haluu.


Tomorrow the students learn how special and general relativity are an important part of GPS systems and then they will do a Geocaching activity. They will also create their own geocaches for the students to find next year.