Journal Entry

Now that the email is up with journals and photos logged, the team here is very interested in getting some tidbits of current news of the”rest of the world”. Greenland is still here, and the sea ice is melting slowly. Ringed seals lounge on the ice far out in the bay, glaucous gulls have been sighted grabbing Little Auks while perched, and I morbidly watched through the binoculars as one gull tore apart and consumed one such ill-fated bird. Gyrfalcons soar while also hunting our study species, and nesting ringed plovers flitter near the cabin. That’s our news. Every time I log on, the team questions me, "Are there any questions for us yet”? They are very excited to share their knowledge; their field work and collaborately discuss, argue and develop responses to questions. Each team member has also emailed loved ones, and is not so patiently waiting for responses. The mail is much slower here. We learned that the Danish supply ship for the town of Ittoqqortoormiit was delayed last week for at least 5 days due to sea ice in the bay. No big deal you might think, but that ship only makes deliveries ONCE a year. I would assume some items are out of stock. Hopefully not essentials like toilet paper or coffee! As far as the team goes, any news will be as good as a supply ship coming in!