Journal Entry

The babies are growing!

Yesterday, Jerome and Ewan continued their chick growth data collection. Chicks would only be gently removed when they were at least five days old. At this point the chick could be removed without disturbing the adult. Some had already lost the egg tooth at the end of their bill. The sole purpose of this tooth is to enable a newborn the ability to peck its way out of an egg. The growth in mass for a few individuals allowed the nickname, little whale, to be coined in the notebook, for those babies.

The growth in mass for a few individuals allowed the nickname, little whale, to be coined in the notebook, for those babies.When at least three data points are collected, a journal post will present some of the data so that statistical calculations can be made by students.

Chick With Egg ToothEight day old chick with egg tooth still attached.


Eight day old chick with egg tooth still attached.

Jerome felt very fondly about his new Greenlandic chick.

Chick Kiss EwanEwan enjoys the deep brown softness of his Greenlandic chick.

*E**wan enjoys the deep brown softness of his Greenlandic chick.*