As we arrived on May 15 at Summit, Greenland, one of the activities going on was a big deep snow pit being dug near the Big House. Blocks of snow would be thrown up and out, caught by another person, who threw it to someone else who then stacked the blocks. Well, the process was even more interesting when I found out that the crew was building a new food freezer for camp. The old freezer was built in 2003 but was no longer structurally sound. Day by day the pit was enlarged, then the outside doorway and stairs were added. The pit was covered up so no one would fall into it but work continued inside. Shelves were added for the frozen food and the roof was supported. Snow will come and cover over the roof and all that will be seen is the outside stair enclosure.
So today was the BIG day…Moving Day. After lunch, everyone who was in camp helped to bring food up from the old freezer, stack boxes on the sleds and then this was transported to the new freezer. I lost track of how many sleds were filled. At each freezer were camp folks who formed a line to transport the food boxes from old freezer to sled and back to new freezer. Everything was organized as it was put away on the new shelves. We knew the end of the food transfer had come when the spice boxes were the ones being passed on down. Those boxes were so light!
There are many things that provide comforts of home at Summit, such as heat and electricity. But the meals provided by our cooks, Tina and Kathy, are the best. So to have a new food freezer and one that isn’t too far from the Big House is important. Kudos to our wonderful cooks and everyone who helped with the big move.