The staff always seems to be tackling big projects to improve Summit camp. One of the projects is to dismantle the DISC (deep ice sheet coring) building. Last summer the drill was being tested here at Summit and now it will be going to Antarctica to drill an ice core all the way to bedrock at the WAIS divide (Western Antarctica Ice Sheet). Access the following website for more information on this project: The DISC building has an underground area in the snow that is perfect for storing our boxes of ice cores. I can only imagine all the activity that must have happened while they were testing the drill here.

This is also Memorial Day weekend and the staff has two days off. Yeah for the hard working staff! When I came into the Big House to make myself a lunch, Tina White, one of our terrific cooks, had her scrimshaw out. She uses fossil mammoth ivory to create her one-of-a-kind designs and will custom design what you want. Fabulous! Just in case you want to check out her work, go to this website: