It's July 12th. We had a great morning at Julie's home in Amherst, MA.
Everyone woke to the smell of fresh ground coffee brewing and Roger, Julie's husband, making us his signature sourdough pancakes. Mmmm!
Today is all the last minute stuff, like a quick stop at the store for ziplock bags, mechanical pencils, and sunscreen. **
(That's right, sunscreen. It may be cold in the arctic, but you still get those UV rays from the sun.)
Julie gave us all a quick tour of the Geosciences Dept. at U.Mass - Amherst.

There certainly is a lot going on there. Did you know you can learn about climate change by studying the chemical make up of the built-up layers in stalactites (the ones sticking down from the top of a cave) & stalagmites (the ones sticking up from the bottom of a cave)?

Check out the Univ. of Massachusetts Geoscience Dept. at:
In a few hours we'll be flying out of Boston, on IcelandAir airlines, on an all-night flight to Oslo, Norway, via Reykjavik, Iceland. So, follow along to see what that's like - next journal entry