Journal Entry

We were about to leave for Longyearbyen today until we were told that our boat, which was taking the 2 hours trip out from longyearbyen to Kapp linee had to turn back because of the high seas.  Of course, we were a bit disappointed but another day at Isfjord radio is a very desirable place to be stranded.  The students spent the day working on the final presentations which they will make to the scientific community at UNIS on Saturday and Sunday.

All dressed up and nowhere to go.All dressed up and nowhere to go. Just after we found out our boat was not going to be able to make it due to high seas.
Wondering what we will do with an extra day at Isfjord radio.Wondering what we will do with an extra day at Isfjord radio.

The students working hard.The students working hard on their final presentations to pull together the data they collected in the field.
Lots of samples to process when we get back to the states.  The final presentations given at UNIS will be the starting point for their thesis work when they get back to their home institutions.

Snow is starting to fall on the peaks surrounding Isfjord radio which only means winter, skiing, snow scooter (snowmobiles) and sunsets and the eventually the polar nights.  The snow is falling on peaks as low as 1600 feet.

Snow falling on the peaks.Snow falling on the peaks inland from Isfjord radio. Winter is on its way!