We have started a club at O.Henry middle school that is devoted to all things polar! The purpose of the Polar Club is to learn more about Antarctica and get the word out to other students on campus about polar science and my upcoming trip. Every week we read Mr. League's journals and ask him questions, watch documentaries about Antarctica (currently we are watching Werner Herzog's Encounters at the End of the World), and work on videos to share with other students. To help inspire us, we eat ice cream sandwiches and popsicles. I am proud to introduce to you our Polar Club:
Meet Amity.Hello! My name is Amity. I never even really thought about Antarctica until I joined Polar Club, but now I realize how awesome it is! I joined Polar Club just to find out more about Antarctica. I love to draw, especially Manga style, and I am a mean, lean, sushi-eating machine! I never knew so many "cool" facts about Antarctica, but if I had to choose just one, it would be how seals sound under water.
Meet Raul.Hello, my name is Raul. I'm in 7th grade and I like to draw (manga style) and play video games--I'm a star at it! I love being in Polar Club because I get to find out more about Antarctica, especially the animals there. Did you know that the ice on Antarctica is melting because of global warming?
Meet Samm.Hi! I am Samm and I go to O.Henry Middle School. My favorite food is anything my mom cooks. I love to play pranks and I am really good at reading. I didn't know much about Antarctica until Polar Club. One cool thing I learned is that seals make exotic noises.
Meet Alicia.My name is Alicia and I'm in 8th grade at O.Henry Middle School. I love dogs, painting, and ice cream. Polar Club is fun because, first off, we get to eat ice cream! I never thought about Antarctica until I joined Polar Club. Since I love animals I think that it is a great place to do research. I look forward to learning more about Antarctica!
Meet Marina.My name is Marina and I am an 8th grader and the second oldest kid in Polar Club (also, I'm glad this is typed because my handwriting is horrible). I love theater and I hope to be an actress, photographer, or scientist when I grow up! I love to laugh and comedy is my life! I don't actually know much about Antarctica yet, but I love marine biology and I think it's so cool that people get paid to dive in and out of the water studying animals! I would love to be in your shoes (minus the hypothermia), but I would spontaneously combust if I didn't bring a camera!
Meet Henry.Hi! My name is Henry. I am in 8th grade at O.Henry Middle School. I love to breed and raise all different types of animals: snakes, turtles, chickens, lizards, mice/rats for food, etc. I love being in Polar Club because I get to learn interesting scientific facts about the Arctic and Antarctic, and I am learning about this interest possibility, as a scientific expedition. An interesting fact that I have learned about the Arctic is that most life is in a microscopic war constantly going on between the tiny organisms of the Arctic Circle.
Meet Joy.Hi! My name is Joy. I am in the 6th grade at O.Henry Middle School. My favorite food is steak. I love to play volleyball. I'm really good at writing. I wrote a five-page story in three hours when I was 8! I love Polar Club because I never really cared about Antarctica before because I thought there was nothing there, so I joined to learn more. Did you know that people diving underwater in Antarctica have to wear a LOT of clothing!?
Meet Matthew.Hi. My name is Matthew. I am in 6th grade at O.Henry Middle School. My favorite food is pizza. I love to run and I'm good at football. I love being in Polar Club because I love ice cream and the place! An interesting fact I've learned about Antarctica is how there are worms in the cold water!
Meet Hailey.Hi! My name is Haley. I am in 6th grade at O.Henry Middle School. I love anime and Japan. I love being in Polar Club because I want to learn more about Antarctica and of course the ice cream. Something I've learned about Antarctica is all the gear they have to wear to go diving.
Meet William.Hi my name is William. I am at O.Henry Middle School. My favorite food is green tea ice cream. I love being in Polar Club because learning about life in Antarctica is really cool considering the fact that Antarctica is completely frozen. An interesting fact I learned is that there is an active volcano in Antarctica.
Meet Lucia.Hi, my name is Lucia. I am in 6th grade at O.Henry Middle School. I love to practice archery. I love being in Polar Club because we get to learn about Antarctica and get to do fun things that also teach us about Antarctica. An interesting fact I've learned about Antarctica is that divers dive UNDER the ice!