Today's Paper
Today's morning was like any other until a friend congratulated me on my article in the paper. Weeks ago I had written an article about my upcoming trip to Antarctica for the Austin American Statesman, the local newspaper, and today it was published. I went to the nearest store and bought a copy. It was so surreal to read my name in print and see the words that I had labored over printed in the newspaper.
Michelle Brown wrote two newspaper articles about her expedition.I wrote two articles that you can read online. One describes the details of my trip to Antarctica click here and the other is about how this adventure will help my students click here. A photographer from the paper came and took some great photos showing the school visits I have done, as well as our Polar Club! Please check them out!
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After seeing my words in print, I was inspired to venture into virtual ways of spreading the word about my trip. I opened up a twitter account, which will allow me to give updates about my journals and live events.
Please follow me! My twitter name is: @msbrownteacher
Count Down: 9 Days Left!
I have started tackling my giant To Do list to prepare for my trip. I sat down yesterday and made a long list of things I need to do before I leave. I also wrote out everything I need to have to be prepared for the ice.
I want to know what YOU would do! Look at the questions below and post them to me in the "Ask the Team" section of the page. (Be sure to include just your first name!)
- What would you do to prepare for a trip to Antarctica?
- What would you bring with you?
- What would you do in your last days before you left?
- What advice do you have for me?