Journal Entry

Research Update

Today our team went to Turtle Rock to collect our last sediment samples from the seafloor. Turtle Rock is about 8 miles from McMurdo Station and is less affected by humans than our seafloor samples at the Station. Divers, including team member Terry Palmer, collected sediment samples and sealife from 40, 80 and 120 feet depths.

Michelle with organisms in dive hutMichelle Brown holds a large sea star collected from the dive site at Turtle Rock.

Although it snowed in the morning, the afternoon was beautiful. It was so much fun to leave McMurdo Station and sample sediments at Turtle Rock!

Team B518Team B518 jumps for joy after a lovely day at Turtle Rock.

Seals on the Ice

Turtle Rock is a special place, especially around this time of year. At the end of October, Weddell seals give birth to their pups. Many of the mothers nurse their young around Turtle Rock. The mothers and seal pups were still there when we visited today. Weddell seals are safe from killer whales at Turtle Rock. The Weddell Seals can hold their breath for up to 45 minutes, which is longer than the killer whales. Therefore, the seals can reach Turtle Rock, swimming beneath the sea ice, while the killer whales cannot. In fact, no other mammal can survive where the seals can. They keep the holes near Turtle Rock and other locations open by scratching them with their teeth. Although the holes are often only large enough for their noses, it allows them to breath and stay alive! At Turtle Rock there are also cracks in the ice that let them get up to the surface.

Weddell SealsA mother and baby Weddell Seal lie on the sea ice at Turtle Rock.

While our dive team collected organisms and sediment samples, I took a moment to watch the seals surrounding our dive hut.

Weddell SealA Weddell Seal looks over at the camera after snoozing on the ice. Turtle Rock and a Weddell SealA Weddell seal lies in front of Turtle Rock--an outcrop off the coast of Ross Island.

All About Seals

Weddell Seal pups are already born by early November. After 2 - 3 weeks, the mother begins to leave the pup alone for short periods of time. By 7 weeks, the pups are weaned and weigh 220 pounds or more. Mothers and pups use smell to identify each other. It is common to see mother and baby pups sniffing each other! However, the mother may reject the pup if it has an unfamiliar scent.

Newborn pup  and mother sealA newborn pup sleeps near a mother Weddell Seal.

Studying Seals

During our visit to Turtle Rock, three people arrived on snowmobiles to collect census data on the seals. They are part of a research team, operating since 1968, that has come to track the breeding populations of Weddell Seals since 1968. You can learn more about their work at:

Researchers at Turtle RockA research team studying Weddell Seal populations stops by Turtle Rock to collect some data.

Life in Antarctica

Although there are lots of places at McMurdo Station that make me feel like I'm back at home, there are also moments that remind me that I am in Antarctica. I took in the beauty of the view South on my walk back to my dorm yesterday at 11 p.m.

Late hours at McMurdo in SummerA beautiful view of islands and the continent at 11 p.m. at McMurdo Station.

Critical Thinking

Why was the sun up at 11 p.m.? In fact, the sun is up 24 hours a day. How does this work?

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Today's journal was brought to you by Ms. Burke's class from the Placentino School in my home town of Holliston, Massachusetts!

Brought to you by Ms. Burke's class.Today's journal was brought to you by Ms. Burke's class at the Placentino School in Holliston, Massachusetts.


Partricia Martinez

How did you stay warm when you were taking sample sediments ?

Savannah O.

What do you think is the best part of being a part of the exploration? Why?

Caleb Bennett

What are the working conditions?

Michelle Brown

status: 1Dear Caleb,
The working conditions here depend largely upon what project you are
working on. For example, researchers studying Weddell Seals spend a lot of
time out on the sea ice and in dive huts occasionally. People studying the
volcano spend time high up on the active volcano, camping and living at
high altitudes. My team takes lots of day trips to control sites to collect
sediments, but also spends lots of time in and around McMurdo Station.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Savannah,
This is a great question. So many thoughts flood into my mind when I think
about being part of the research team. For me, as a science teacher, it is
rare that I get to contribute to active research that pushes our knowledge
about the world forward. That, to me, is my favorite part about being out

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Patricia!
It can get cold when you are outside all day taking sediment samples. The
best way to stay warm is to wear lots of layers. If I start getting too
hot, I take off a layer so that I don't sweat (sweating can make your
clothes damp, which will then evaporate and make you much colder!). I also
make sure to eat a big meal so my body has lots of energy. Keeping feet and
hands warm are also important. I always pack different warmth-levels of
mittens and a dry pair of socks when I'm far from McMurdo Station. There
are places throughout the station where you can take hand or toe warmers as

Laura Leaman

How long can killer whales hold their breath?

Michelle Brown

status: 1Great question! You've caught the detail that seals can hold their breath
longer than killer whales, allowing them to be safe at Turtle Rock! Orcas
(or killer whales) can hold their breath for up to 12 minutes, however if
they are moving fast, they usually have to breath for a shorter time, 3
minutes or less.


When you dive what type of samples do you collect?

Michael Moret

Hi, I'm Michael. My mom has scuba dived in Cancun and in Saint Lucia. She sent me photos and it looked beautiful! What is it like diving in the Antarctic. If there are different precautions taken, please name a few!
Thanks, Michael

Christian Spri…

Hi I just wanted to let you know that where are you guys at right now. Are those ice on the seals


Hi, it's me again. What a the species of penguins living in the area?

Corrina Spring…

What is your favorite animal you have seen in the antarctic or one you are hoping to see.


The mothers end up leaving the pups eventually right?


What is your favorite animal on this whole trip?


What is your favorite animal on this whole trip?

Lucas Springs …

What do you think the temperature was

Lucas Springs …

What do you think the temperature was


Do the seals always make those loud noises? Is it just the way they talk to each other, or were they scared of the people?


Do the seals always make those loud noises? Is it just the way they talk to each other, or were they scared of the people?

Tifany Springs…

How far/long can Seals go?

Javis Gibbons

How do the Weddell pups stay warm when they are born because I would imagine that it must be pretty cold, and they don't have much fat to keep them warm. Could you find out or tell me how the mother seals are able to swim when they are about to give birth? Have you seen any leopard seals?

zed albertini

Have you seen any leopard seals?


Have you seen any leopard seals? If not what types of seals have you seen?


Hi, Have u seen leopard seal?, How big are a baby seals when they are born?, have the divers have any problems with the seals?


If seals don't get out of the water do they eventually die?


When you said the mother may reject the pup if it has an unfamiliar scent. Do you mean it will reject the pup for a certain time or forever?

Autumn Vargas

Why is it called Turtle Rock if some seals stay there?

Christina Terry

Hi! My name is Christina. I really love animals. I was wondering what types of seals you have seen since I am looking at Michelle Browns journal. I have some other questions like, Are killer whales actually killers like their name?


What would happen if the seals have an unfamiliar smell and the mother rejects the pup? Would they have to live on there own?


How much pups do seals give birth to?

Renny Murphy

When a baby seal is born does the mother have to teach them to swim or do they know how? Do the pups ever leave their mother permanently or do they stay together?


how do seals keep themselves warm?


how do seals keep themselves warm?


How long does it usually take for the divers to get ready to dive or collect all of their sediment samples

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Ollie,
Great question! We collect organisms from the ocean as well as sediments
(dirt) from the seafloor. We analyze both animal tissues and sediment
samples for contaminants including metals, hydrocarbons and other
pollutants. Terry also collects seafloor sediment samples and categorizes
the type and number of organisms found in the soil. From these records he
can better understand the health of the ecosystem.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Aaron,
I asked Terry (our benthic ecologist and diver) this question and he said: "It
takes about 15 minutes to get dressed and about another 15 to get all of
your gear on. I tend to take my time getting dressed because it is
especially important that I don’t forget anything." Regarding how long it
takes to collect all of the sediment samples in a dive session, he says it
takes about 15 - 20 minutes. Great questions!


Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Hayden,
A big way that seals stay warm is by their thick blubber. This insulates
them from the cold! I am hoping to talk more with Weddell Seal scientists
later and will send you more information if I find out more!

Michelle Brown

status: 1Great question James! This is a great example of a testable question--I
wonder if you could think of an experiment that would test this! However,
to answer your question, I am pretty confident that this is just the way
they talk to each other. They also make cool clicking sounds underwater.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Lucas,
The temperature that day was around 23 degrees Fahrenheit, although with
the wind, which was 4 knots, the temperature felt like 16 degrees
Fahrenheit. That's because wind causes water vapor to evaporate, which
causes a lower temperature. Also, wind disturbs a thin layer of warm air
that surrounds your body if the air is still.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Dear Corrina,
This is a difficult question for me, since I find them all pretty
fascinating. I suppose I like Adelie Penguins and Weddell Seals better than
Skuas, but I also think the organisms on the seafloor are fascinating.
Starfish and other sea creatures can grow really big! The one animal I
would love to see but haven't yet is an Emperor Penguin.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Christina,
Thanks for writing! I have only seen Weddell Seals since I've been down
here. Although Fur Seals, Crabeater Seals, Leopard Seals, and Ross Seals
can also be found in Antarctica, they are not often found where I am.
Killer whales can kill prey--they were named killer whales because of their
attacks on whales. I have seen videos where they have tried to kill animals
by diving and tipping icebergs. Seals cannot always stay on the iceberg and
fall into the water, where the killer whale (or orca) can attack it.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Christian,
We are based out of McMurdo Station. Although we go to places like Turtle
Rock, we typically return home by the early evening. Some of the pictures
show white speckles on the seals, which is part of their fur pattern, while
other white specs are snow.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Michael,
I'm going to pass this question along to Terry, who dives down in the
seafloor. Stay tuned!

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Michael,
Thanks for all the great questions! These are Adelie Penguins!

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Autumn,
Great question! I think it is called Turtle Rock because it kind of looks
like a Turtle shell from a distance.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Alexa,
Yes--the mothers do end up leaving their pups once the pups are weaned from
milk. This is usually at about 6 weeks. Early on the pups stay closer to
the sea ice to look for food. They become adults after 3 years.

Michelle Brown

status: 1Hi Alexa,
It is difficult to pick a favorite animal--I love the penguins and seals,
but the sea life is also fascinating!

Michelle Brown

status: 1Great questions Tifany! We believe Weddell Seals can hold their breath for
over 20 minutes. They can dive at over 120 meters/minute and dive for less
than 20 minutes. At night they dive at shallower levels (0-160 m) in the
day, deeper levels (340-450 m)

Michelle Brown

status: 1Dear Javis,
These are GREAT questions! Let me ask some Weddell Seal folks and get back
to you!