McMurdo Weather Conditions
1900hrs. Mostly cloudy; winds E 7-12kts High: +23F wind chill 0F Low: +10F wind chill -4F Station Pressure: 29.080"
McMurdo Bound!
We reported to the CDC at 3:30AM to dress and prepare for departure around 5am. After a debriefing, security clearance, passport check, weigh in, and luggage distribution we were ready to go. We boarded a C-17 and made ourselves comfortable in the seating section of the cargo plane. After a 5 hour flight we landed on the Ross Ice Shelf on an ice runway.
The flight and the glimpses out the door windows exceeded my expectations. I have seen pictures but I had to see it with my own eyes. The peaks of the mountains rising above the clouds, quiet and undisturbed in their pristine beauty sparkled against a clear deep blue sky. The sun reflected off of everything in all directions. The brightest reflection directly off the ice but it seemed that the light bounced in all directions not just back up into the atmosphere.
Upon exiting the plane, the dry cold was definitely different from any I had experienced before, especially the dryness. We were shuttled off the ice runway to the NSF chalet for our first introduction to McMurdo, our room assignments and required survival trainings as necessitated by the project.
It’s an early night with out the sun going anywhere except across the horizon. It has started to snow from a low pressure system moving across the Ross Ice Shelf and the sun is brightly and blindingly reflecting off the opposite side I’m off to learn more about this place from my roommate. It is her 28th summer season on the Ice and she drives heavy equipment, (my students- think of the size of the coal trucks at the mine in Wyoming!). Mom- she is as tiny as you!
Make sure to see the rest of the pictures from today in the photo gallery.
4:00 am in Christchurch heading for McMurdo! Steve, Terry, Ann & April
April sound asleep as tons of cargo towers over us.
The C-17 on the ice runway at McMurdo.
My first view of the ice shelf surrounding Antarctica