We are a small community out here at WAIS Divide. We eat, work, sleep, and live in very close proximity for over two months. It can often be difficult to live in these conditions, especially since there is minimal personal space. However, living in such a close knit community makes us stronger when we have to face challenges. This week we depended on our strength as a group.
On Sunday night, the DISC (Deep Ice Sheet Coring) drill broke in the borehole. In basic terms, the cable connected to the drill got twisted about 600 meters down the hole. As a result, the twisted drill cable needed to be removed and at two pounds per meter, it was no small task. The cable is critical to the entire operation because it is the mode of communication between the drill and the computers that the operators use to collect ice. The drill is also suspended by the cable, connecting the drill to the surface. Without the cable, there is no drilling. Luckily, an additional drill engineer, Jay Johnson, was en route to WAIS Divide. His addition to our already talented crew of drillers helped get the drill back up and running in just four days!
Although our spirits dipped this week, it was through patience, problem-solving, and teamwork that we were able to get the drill back down the borehole. We are now drilling and getting closer to our season goal!
The drillers side of the arch, which houses the DISC drill. The DISC drill with an ice core. Unfortunately, the drill broke this week. Through teamwork, we were able to get the drill up and running again.