Journal Entry

What would we see if we were able to fly through the ice--the most transparent on Earth--at a depth of two kilometers below the SOuth Pole surface?

Click below for a 40-second video-clip taken from planetarium documentary that was released earlier this year by the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center (WIPAC). The movie was written and directed by Jim Madsen--my PolarTREC mentor--and Bob Bonadurer.

Flying through the IceCube strings

Seen through the hipothetical flight are a number of optical sensors (DOMs) which have been deployed over 86 strings that were inserted into holes melted in the ice using hot water drills. Each string holds 60 DOMs, which translates into a total of 5,160 DOMs for the whole IceCube detector.

The clip is featured in a documentary entitled "Chasing the Ghost Particle: From the South Pole to the Edge of the Universe". In addition to WIPAC, the movie has also been supported by the Unversity of Wisconsin - Madison, and the Milwaukee Public Museum.