Journal Entry

ANOTHER UPDATE: Postcards Mailed (January 19, 2017)

I just mailed 500 postcards from the South Pole Post Office. Each one has the official 2017 South Pole stamp on it. I got some pretty weird looks as I waited in line...500 postcards is a lot! Keep an eye out for your postcard (if you signed up) to arrive in the next few weeks!

MailRoomThe South Pole Post Office. PostcardsMailed500 postcards addressed, stamped and ready to go! If you signed up, keep a look out in your mailbox for your postcard to arrive in the next few weeks. StampsAll of the available stamps at the Post Office. Some are really a blast from the past!

UPDATE: 500 Postcard Limit Reached (December 20, 2016)

Thank you for the overwhelming response! I've received postcard requests from all over the United States - Virginia, New Jersey, Washington, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, North Carolina, Utah, and so many more! I look forward to sending you some mail from the South Pole.

Unfortunately, at this time (December 20) I have reached my limit of 500 postcards. For that reason, I will not be able to accept any more requests. Thank you for your interest, and an extra special thanks to those of you who have donated stamps!

Postcards from the South Pole

Did you know there’s a post office at the South Pole?

Take a look at this postcard I received from Professor Madsen – you can even see the official South Pole stamp!

PostcardSouthPoleProfessor Madsen sent me a postcard from the South Pole Station last season. Look at the authetnic South Pole stamp!

Are you, your students, friends or family interested in receiving a postcard from the South Pole Station? Follow these steps to sign up:

Step 1: Submit your Mailing Address

First, fill out this survey with your mailing address. Double check to make sure you typed everything correctly!

For mailing addresses outside of the United States, please email me directly at kate.miller [at]

Step 2: Check your Mailbox

Keep an eye out for your postcard! It should take a minimum of 2-3 weeks for the postcard to make it from the South Pole to your mailbox. Since I’ll be at the South Pole mid-January, you should expect to receive your postcard early-to-mid February 2017.

Sign Up Soon!

Postcards will be sent on a first-come-first-serve basis. Currently I have the funds to send approximately 500 postcards, so make sure you sign up as soon as possible so you make the cut!

If you’d like to donate one or more stamps to help with the mailing of these postcards, please contact me at kmiller [at] and we can make arrangements.


Have a question about signing up to receive a postcard from the South Pole? Or want to know more about Antarctica, IceCube, or my expedition? Leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you!



Looking forward to hearing from you, Kate!


How exciting. Thank you so much for doing the postcards. My 7 year old will flip!


Wouldn't it be fun for World Language students to receive postcards from the South Pole with greetings in the language they are studying? I know my German students would love it! "Schöne Grüße aus dem Südpol!" (Greetings from the South Pole!) Looking forward to following your trip! "Viel Spaß!" (Enjoy!)


So glad your 7 year old will enjoy a postcard from the South Pole! Looking forward to sending them!

Kate Miller

What a cool idea, Janet! If you private message me your German students' mailing addresses, I'm happy to mail them a message in German! I'll have to trust you on your translations though - I'm not particularly talented when it comes to speaking different languages :)

maria paz

I would love one thank you so much !


Thank you so much for such a fun and educational idea! Our family always sends postcards to ourselves when we travel as a way to journal and remember the highlights of our trip. Since they are short and sweet its easier to keep up with from the road than a traditional journal. We love getting our mail when we get home! Postcards have become a special family tradition for us. My son will be so excited to hear about your adventures in the South Pole! Thanks again! Safe travels!

sophie cowan

Thanks so much! Hope you have a wonderful expedition!!

Kate Miller

Thanks for following, Amanda! Can't wait to send your 7-year old a postcard!

Kate Miller

Thanks for following, Maria! I'd love to send you a postcard. Please make sure to fill out this survey so I have your address:

Kate Miller

Thanks for following, Lauren! I'm glad I can help carry on the family postcard tradition!