Words of Wisdom
Long days collecting data means that I’ve gotten a lot of time to sit and get to know some of the SPICE Core physicists. I asked them for their words of wisdom for the next generation of polar scientists--
SPICE Core scientists setting up their experimentAnna Pollmann:
At 14 I thought I was boring, and life was boring. Being a physicist was not popular, but 10 years later it’s so cool! I get to travel to different research sites and get to work on cutting-edge research. Don’t let “popularity” fool you.
The best part of working at the South Pole is looking outside. It’s like a big, frozen ocean, or a science fiction movie. You can never forget where you are.
University of Wuppertal, Germany
Jannes Brostean-Kaiser:
Learn programming early! If you study physics, it’s so much easier if you can program. It might seem intimidating at first, but if you stick with it, you’ll be much more prepared.
The best part of working at the South Pole is the opportunity to be here, a place where I couldn’t afford to come on my own.
Humboldt University of Berlin
Andrew Schultz:
Follow your heart. Always be prepared to see the positive side of things and learn from each lesson. Physics can open up a lot of opportunities, beyond working in a laboratory.
The best part of working at the South Pole is the community. It’s small enough that you can always sit with different groups and talk to everyone.
University of Kansas
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