Journal Entry

Penguin count

The final penguin count is...ZERO. I went on three different hikes for a total of four hours; I tried, dear friends, I tried. I might go back out after dinner...just one last time because my flight to New Zealand is scheduled for tomorrow morning! At 8pm tonight, I'll be going to the standard bag drag. Bag drag is when you gather all your luggage, all your extreme cold weather gear, everything that you own and intend to take on the flight. At McMurdo, you take, or "drag" it all up the hill to the building where it gets weighed (at the South Pole it was on the first floor, next to my dorm room). They weigh all our luggage and then they weigh each of us wearing all our cold weather gear. And then we're done! They take our checked luggage and we're free to enjoy the evening before our flight.

Every flight related to this adventure has been preceded by a bag drag, so by now, I fit in with the seasoned pros. At least at bag drag...

I can't believe tomorrow I'll be leaving this continent! One step closer to family, but one step further from my newfound love of the ice.
Talk soon, friends.

Please enjoy these photos from my hikes around McMurdo, where I found zero penguins.

A hike with Anna and Jannes around Observation HillA hike with Anna and Jannes around Observation Hill No penguinsNo penguins The melting Ross Ice ShelfThe melting Ross Ice Shelf

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