Journal Entry

Here at the South Pole we celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday instead of Thursday so that we could have two days off in a row: Saturday and our usual day, Sunday. There were three seatings for a formal Thanksgiving dinner: 4 PM 5:30 PM and 7 PM each one preceded by hors d' oeuvres and live entertainment. The kitchen staff, and volunteer helpers, flipped the entire galley twice and made everyone feel like it was the most special night of the season. (Note- In this Journal many of the pictures you see aren't mine but instead were posted to a common drive for everyone to use. I'm not sure who they belong to but if they're yours and you'd like the photo credit, please let me know!)

A three-piece band serenaded us for appetizers.A three-piece band serenaded us for appetizers. Katey and Tom Gaisser talk about DOMs.Katey and Tom Gaisser talk about DOMs. The galley at its finest.The galley at its finest complete with window coverings and fire places lit. Paul Wisniewski and James RothPaul Wisniewski and James Roth IceCubers IceCubers Bakhtiyar Ruzybayev, Matthias Danninger and Ben Stock. Everyone is really excited!Everyone is really excited! The buffet!The buffet! Yummy.Yummy. A typical plate.A typical plate. Karthik Soundarapandian and Mike PattersonKarthik Soundarapandian and Mike McCrae Pies!These are just some of the pies that were made for the occasion. Pumpkin, pecan and apple all available with caramel sauce and whipped cream. Yum!

After dinner many people retired to the lounge for fun and pool. And even later we ended up dancing the night away in the Summer Camp Jamesway lounge.

Pool in the loungePool in the lounge Dancing in the JameswayDancing in the Jamesway