Journal Entry

The team in the lab gave me a nice tour of the IceCube Lab. This is the location of all the IceCube and IceTop computers, and where more than 5,000 DOMs have to link in. The room is heated by the servers and it even has to be cooled so it doesn't overheat--at the South Pole! In the whole project, including 86 cables, surface cables, and all the wiring in the ICL there are 11,648 miles of copper wire that all meets at the ICL. The ICL collects a terabyte of data everyday making it the largest data collection center in Antarctica. For more good pictures and info please see:

The information gathered here is processed and within half an hour can show muon events in IceCube and IceTop. http://

Next to the main IceTop terminal in the ICL.Next to the main IceTop terminal in the ICL. Bakhtiyar with some serversBakhtiyar with some servers James touching just one quad connectorJames touching just one quad connector There are a lot of quad connectors! (over 1100!!)There are a lot of quad connectors! (over 1100!!) Freija looks totally natural with the windows on the universe at her fingertipsFreija looks totally natural with the windows on the universe at her fingertips. How do they keep it straight?How do they keep it straight? The fruits of our labor: seeing solar flares with IceTopThe fruits of our labor: seeing solar flares with IceTop