Journal Entry

After leaving Philadelphia at 6:30am, three flights later, including a stop in Kotzebue, north of the Arctic Circle, I finally made it to Nome. The city is located on the southern Seward Peninsula coast on Norton Sound of the Bering Sea. In 2016 the population was estimated at 3,797.

Some of us met up on the flight from Anchorage and the rest of the crew arrived earlier in the day. We met in Milanos Pizzeria which not only serves Italian but also Japanese, Korean and burgers. That’s seems to be the way here in Nome, many offerings from one establishment. One hotel we stopped in that was also a car rental was showing the Phillies game so everything felt good even though I am thousands of miles from home.

The Sikuliaq was already in dock and there was much discussion about the transportation of the cargo that had been shipped ahead of time to Nome. After 18+ hours of travel we decided to call it a night but were all amazed by the amount of light outside! It is bright warm sunlight at 10pm. Luckily our hotel room has a good thick pair of curtains but I think none of us will have trouble sleeping tonight!

Late Night sunThe Sun at 10:15pm in Nome


Judy Fahnestock

Happy to hear that you made it with no problems! How was your first night sleeping under the Arctic sun?

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