Journal Entry

Today, students learned one of the most important polar lessons; be flexible! The robot building hit a couple snags today, but the group recovered nicely! We had recently purchased a portable DVD player to use as our video screen/TV monitor for viewing, and controlling, the robots progress underwater. The next steps in our robot assembly process involved hooking the robot camera up to the monitor and running some tests. But, the DVD player we just purchased didn't have the proper charger chord included, so we couldn't "fire up" the DVD player. Defeat for the day loomed in the air!


Rather than succumbing to this setback, the robot crew quickly skipped ahead to future assembly needs. The crew swiftly mastered the use of the dremel tool, and began cutting PVC pipe to fit the propeller motors. We now have the propeller mounts ready to fasten to the robot frame. Another successful day! (I have now retrieved the necessary charging tool for the DVD player - tomorrow we test the camera imaging... and mount the motors!)


Nick prepares to cut the PVC!


Jeremy takes a turn at "dremeling"!

This robot should be "swimming" soon!