Getting ready for fieldwork can be a bit daunting! The logistics of getting everything organized, packing equipment, weighing equipment for the helicopters, gathering food for a month or two in the field, and going through all the necessary training courses is a little bit of a whirlwind! Our day was spent scheduling appointments with all the different people we need to see for training in order to be approved to go to the Dry Valleys. We are booked solid for the next several days! In between appointments, we will be packing all the equipment.Prior to our arrival, Antarctica had experienced some severe storms for several days which had prevented earlier flights from getting to Antarctica. Because of this, things in McMurdo are a little bit backed up; everyone is working really hard to get back on their original schedules. We are trying not to have our own schedules get too derailed from the original plan; so far so good, but we are really pushing to get things ready in time! An exciting moment for me today was being re-united with the robot my students built; it made it here on time!
135robotreunion.JPG copyReunited with the Robot from NH!
Maciej perhaps said it best today when he mentioned how he noticed while he was busily running around in the Crary Lab - the science lab in town - that he seemed to almost forget about where he was. When he stepped outside after hours of work, he was struck by the sudden re-awareness that we are in Antarctica! It's good to be reminded to slow down and take in what's around you!
133royalsociety.JPGThe Royal Society Range; part of the TransAntarctic Mountains
134royalsociety2.JPGMagnificent mountains
You can also check out my journals and pictures from previous seasons at: