Beluga Whale
Beluga Whale - Courtesy of Discovery.comYesterday, we received a call telling us that some fisherman had caught a beluga whale. I guess this is a pretty rare occasion (maybe one beluga whale is killed every year, but more likely they get one every other year). I was glad we were there to witness it. By the time I checked out the ATV, have it run out of gas (luckily there was a reserve tank), refuel, and get down to the beach, the fisherman had already started butchering the whale. The whale was approximately 10 feet long and definitely not as big as I expected. I watched and took pictures for about minutes and then went back to the hut. Everyone on the beach seemed really happy and excited they had killed the beluga. The villages must rely on the whale for the food and a catch this big doesn't happen every year.
Fisherman cutting off the pieces of whale meat from the ~10 ft. beluga whale caught yesterday. Beluga tail after it was cut off of the whale the fisherman caught yesterday.Arctic Circle Club
On a lighter note, Eric, the grad student from San Diego State University, was leaving the other night so we decided to go to Pepe's. Joe's (as in Joe's Museum) mom, Fran, opened a Mexican restaurant here in Barrow. Pepe's claims to be the northern-most Mexican restaurant in the world. Fran, a spry 70-something lady with her gold lame' bow in her hair, gives everyone a certificate when they come into the restaurant commemorating a person's crossing into the Arctic Circle. We were all very excited to receive our certificates and joked that couldn't wait to frame them. We also wrote our addresses in her guest book and she sends out a calendar each year. The food was actually pretty good; my chicken burrito with rice and Frijoles was delicious (helped to lessen my craving for Chipotle). However, the salsa for the chips tasted like spaghetti sauce with hot sauce mixed together. Pepe's was a great place with great atmosphere and would highly recommend it on your visit to Barrow.
My official Arctic Circle Club certificate given to me by Fran, the owner of Pepe's restaurant (claiming to be the northern-most Mexican restaurant in the World)Fact of the Day
Yesterday's Fact of the Day Answer: Especially up here in Alaska, what is the red liquid in outdoor thermometers? Hint: It's not mercury. Mercury freezes at -38 degrees Fahrenheit so they have to use alcohol instead of Mercury
Today's Trivia: What is Alaska's largest city?
Inuit Word of the Day
Yesterday's Word: Kaapi = Coffee Hint: Many of you drink this in the morning - some of you religiously!!! Did you get it right?
Today's word: Ippaksaq - Hint: Not tomorrow or today, but……. (unit of time)!!! What is the word of the day?
Please take 2 seconds and reply with your guesses to the fact of the day or Inuit word of the day in the "Ask the Team" section link below: