Journal Entry
Awe inspiring. If there is a textbook definition of awe-inspiring, Denali would be it. I was able to experience it first hand through the Kantishna Wilderness Trails Denali Park Day Trip Bus Tour, which was a 12 hour bus ride through Denali National Park. Our bus driver Kevin Hay made stops for landscapes, wildlife and rest-stops.
An amazing view of the Denali glacier formed valley and mountain range behind it. Photo by Roee Fung Photos from the Denali Bus Tour Roee and I drove through Denali and stopped at 4 AM for this amazing scenic shot (I couldn't really say sunrise or sunset since neither really happens here). Photo by Roee Fung. This is the Park Road Map showing the entire route our bus took. Photo by DJ Kast Early morning shot of a dandelion in Denali. Photo by DJ Kast. We were driving towards Denali when this female moose just popped up on the side of the road. How Cool! Photo by Roee Fung This moose Antler was like 30 pounds. I could not imagine two of these on my head. Photo by Roee Fung The Moose was so close to us! Photo by Roee Fung The Arctic Tundra explorer in front of a peak in Denali showing the lingering ice still present in Denali. Photo by DJ Kast The Arctic Tundra explorer demonstrating the color and scale of some awesome rock based lichen found in the taiga environment in Denali. Photo by DJ KastThis very curious Arctic Ground squirrel was checking out the Eielson Visitor center and my feet happened to get in the way. It seems I've come full circle of seeing and holding these Arctic Ground squirrels in Fairbanks during training to seeing them in the wild here in Denali.
Arctic Ground Squirrel in the wild. Photo by Roee Fung There's a squirrel on my shoe! Photo by Roee Fung USC Young Scientists Program Flag