My colleagues Gina Lupo, Darrel Dech, Claudia and I had just finished our Arctic Ocean tour on our day off and we were driving back down the Dalton Highway to Toolik. We were driving past Lake Colleen and we found a road sign that said "Lake Colleen". One of my best friends is named Colleen so I wanted to get a picture of the road sign. I was taking the Lake Colleen Road photo when Darrel opened the car and yelled back "BEAR". I saw it running down the road, so I booked it back to the car. I took the following photos of the Grizzly bear walking through the Tundra, through the city of Deadhorse and went dumpster diving near a warehouse.
Grizzly bears or scientifically known as Ursus arctos have a defined hump on their shoulders. They are omnivores and in the Arctic Tundra they eat primarily berries, roots, and dead animals.
Grizzly Bear in the Tundra. Photo by DJ Kast Photo by DJ Kast Dumpster diving bear. Photo by DJ Kast Getting into the dumpster in DeadHorse. Photo by DJ Kast Photo by DJ Kast Bear Smile. Photo by DJ Kast