I've been busy getting a lot of small things, and big things, ready to go for our expedition, and getting pretty excited as our time draws near.
One of the big items has been getting "Physically Qualified" or "PQ'd" for short. The United States Antarctic Program (USAP) wants to make sure that everyone traveling down to "the Ice" is healthy because of the remoteness of the continent and how difficult it would be to extricate someone in need of major medical care. Each Antarctic traveler needs a raft of blood tests, a physical exam by a doctor, and a dental exam with full x-rays. After four different appointments, I finally received word that I am officially PQ'd!
Warm bootsI've also been collecting warm clothes. The USAP will loan me most of the outerwear that I'll need, like a coat, insulated pants and bunny boots. However, I want to have cozy layers for underneath, and my own boots. I've already sent some of my layers down to Antarctica packed in crates with some of our scientific gear. My socks are probably keeping a microscope cushioned right now.
Socks ready for shippingWe still aren't exactly sure when we'll be departing, but it looks like it will be sometime around October 10. It depends on our assigned date to fly by cargo jet from New Zealand to McMurdo Station, Antarctica. That date, in turn, is decided upon by the field season we are allotted. The USAP has to manage the logistics of many remote field camps like ours, which all need to do their science during the short Antarctic summer, too. My luggage tags are ready!
USAP luggage tags