I had my doubts on how good the food was going to be, but it has been surprisingly good. The only drawback is that all of the food is expired. The bulk food supplies in McMurdo get resupplied once a year by a huge ice breaker that comes into the sound. It takes a long time for the ship to get here from the United States so by the time it gets here it is all expired. I haven't noticed a huge change in the taste and I haven't gotten sick yet, so I guess that it is okay. They only things that I have noticed that taste a lot different are the pop because it is flat and the granola bars are just gross. The most expired food that I have seen so far is a jar of jelly that expired in 2003. I thought that jelly was supposed to last for a long time, so I wonder when it was made.

We don't have a cook in camp, so we make all of our own food. On most days everyone gets their own breakfast and lunch and then we take turns cooking dinner for everyone. For breakfasts I eat a bagel with jelly and I drink a juice box. We are up at the tunnel at lunchtime so I just snack on trail mix, chocolate, and Slim Jims for lunch. It's not the most nutritious lunch, but it gives you a lot of calories quickly so you have the energy to keep on working. For dinner we have made some great meals. We have two propane Coleman stoves to cook on and it is surprising what we have made on them. We've made pizzas, tacos, steaks, pasta, chicken, and even chocolate cake. The only disappointment is that we don't have any fresh food. The only fruits and vegetables that we get are either canned or frozen.