Journal Entry

Non-negotiables for Field Work

Glitz and glamour aren't descriptors that come readily to mind when talking about field work. That in itself could freak some people out – the thought of no Starbucks, no makeup, no flush toilets. Ideal weather doesn't always perform on demand, there are no promises of consistent temperatures, animals being studied in cooperation mode, or partners and their skills you'd like to keep for an impending Zombie Apocalypse.

In other words, there are lots of unknowns in field work, which demands a certain mindset in itself, a readiness and willingness to be flexible, patient, and mighty in will. Field work can be a pressure cooker when you're on a timeline for what is inevitably expensive work.

That being said, our team compiled 10 "non-negotiables" of field work, in no particular order, for anyone wondering what qualities are most important for field work success. And yes, there could have been many more, but we tried to compress them. What would you add?

Non-negotiables_FieldWork SketchWe could have definitely added more, but these are non-negotiables of Field Work, compiled by our crew in Savoonga, Alaska.

Today's Tweet

Mother Nature has her ideas of how things will go. It helps to be prepared on our end, though. Fun remains crucial to field work, no matter how challenging or tiring it can be. Maintain perspective and you will maintain sanity. #moreteaplease #andchocolate

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