Journal Entry

With only two weeks to go until I head out on my expedition aboard the USCGC Healy, I am getting together all the items on my packing list and preparing for August in the Chukchi Sea. I have been corresponding frequently with the PolarTREC staff and Deanna Wheeler, an alumna of the program and former Healy teacher. Thank you to all of the folks that have helped me thus far in planning for this great adventure!

Besides participating in community outreach this summer, I have been getting advice from Deanna and others on what to pack. I have many layers from t-shirts to winter coats, rain pants, hats, gloves, and my steel-toed Xtratufs for walking around on the deck of the boat. Luckily, I have had my one year old pup, Ranger, helping me out! I know that she is going to miss me while I'm gone, but will be there with a wagging tail when I return to hear about all of my adventures!

Ranger spends her one year birthday helping me pack.Ranger helps pack!

I have also been preparing outreach and curriculum materials as well. I have microscope cameras, guidebooks, albedo equipment, and other items that students have asked me to bring. I will also be working students in the UAF's Ecology Explorer Program in Nome, AK when I arrive. There is lots to do, but it has been a lot of fun and I am getting excited to do some Arctic science!

A Question From the Crow's Nest

What Alaskan peninsula is the city of Nome located on?

Answer from the previous post: Permafrost is ground that stays frozen for two years or more and often contains a lot of organic matter.

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