I left my house in New Hampshire at 2:30am EST on Monday, July 29th to begin my PolarTREC expedition. I flew from Boston to Seattle, Seattle to Anchorage, and then Anchorage to Nome with a short stop in Kotzebue. As I flew into Nome on Monday night, I looked down to see herds of Musk Oxen on the tundra and the Bering Sea off in the distance. With the sun setting at 12:20am and rising at 5:30am, I had plenty of time to explore the small downtown of Front Street. I stood along the Bering Sea, saw the location of the end of the Iditarod, and met some gold miners. I have found that Nome is not only beautiful and full of nature, but it is also a cultural experience. Most people have a car and an ATV, subsistence harvesting is a must, and the only way to leave is by plane.
Welcome to Nome with a view of the Bering Sea. Front Street in Nome. This is the main street that runs along the Bering Sea. Anvil City Square in the middle of downtown Nome. The end of the Iditarod Race in downtown Nome. The Bering Sea as seen from the main street (Front Street) of Nome.Next on the agenda is to do some polar science activities with the Ecology Explorers out of UAF. I hope that the weather clears up here so I can explore more of Nome!
A Question From the Crow's Nest
What is the distance of the Iditarod Race?
Answer from the previous post: The Chukchi Sea has an average depth of 260 feet
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