Journal Entry

The wonderfully intense work of PolarTREC is up and running. We are a dynamic group of educators from all over the USA coming together to learn about polar science, field work, and surviving in the Arctic or Antarctic. We've met the awesome staff of PolarTREC. They have kept us well fed, very busy, and getting smarter all the time. We are fortunate to have such a knowledgeable group of folks to work with. We met some sled dogs last night that we are hoping to watch race later in the week. Other than that, we are just working right along.

If you are back in the class at CAES, keep up the good work. I'm working hard and hope that you are too. I'll try to get a cool picture of me up here in Fairbanks. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks for reading my journal, I'll be more creative later!!

Here's a rather silly picture from the Ice Carving Championships. I'm seeing all the "hot-spots"!!

Getting Colder and Larger at the Ice Scupture ChampionshipGetting Colder and Larger at the Ice Scupture Championship