Archaeologists talk about the "48 Rule”. This rule states that significant objects or artifacts will be discovered during the last 2 days of the project. We were close today, significant pieces kept showing up in the burial that I have been working on for the last 3 days. Christine and Michael kept things moving along, unfortunately Dave had left so he missed all the action today. The time constraints kept me from wandering far for photo opportunities. The time also kept us out at Nuvuk until 7:30PM, by the time everyone was home and gear was put away, it was 9PM. Another late day.
So, tonight’s journal is going to be a quick one. In many ways, the sun is setting on the Barrow scene. Tomorrow is a clean-up day in the field. Saturday is flight day for just everyone.
The sun is dropping below the horizon these days, a clear sign of the changes to come. Always beautiful!!The close of the different features or areas is sad, there is so much work and effort in them. I looked at the giant empty holes and something is missing. Fortunately, all the important material is in the lab or in the big cooler ready for further analysis. That doesn’t change the vacant look.
The trench has not seen many visitors lately. A few times a day the kids ride 4wheelers through it, that's about it these days. The Driftwood Feature has been part of this site since I got here. I spent more time there than any place else. The final tally of artifacts shot in was close to 2,300. When started we were in the 500's!! The driftwood feature will probably be reclaimed by the sea this winter. The waves will soon erase the many hours of effort, demonstrating the forces that keep changing and moving things out here. The winds have been so stong that artifacts would be blown away if we did not have tarps up as windbreaks. Noisy, difficult to put up, but very helpful for cold archaeologists. We worked quick and hard through the burial today. Lots of time with the mini transit establishing locations of different piecesThe Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea, both part of the Arctic Ocean have been constant influences on people, animals, the weather, and our work. I look forward to a two more days out by the water.
The brownish water turns a foamy white as it crashes ashore. Add a little blue sky, a few thin clouds and that's Barrow.