Journal Entry

When faced with being stuck in port for an extra day - Mr. Miller and I explored our options. We could simply settle into our bunks and enjoy some good rest - this time of year I'm used to a good deep sleep since it's winter at home in Barrow - but that just doesn't seem appropriate when the sun is up 20 hours a day as it is down here in the Austral summer. So we took a quick nap -

in the bunkin the bunk

and then headed off with some members of the Swedish since team - including teacher Ingela Hagstrom from Uddevalla Gymnasieskola in southern Sweden.

Ingela Hagstrom - Swedish high school teacherIngela Hagstrom - Swedish high school teacher

Our goal was to drive about an hour north of Punta Arenas where there is a Magallanes penguin rookery said to be home to about 6000 penguins this time of year. Bumping along a dirt road for about 40 kilometers reminded me a traveling the old logging roads in Yakutat, Alaska - except there are absolutely no trees and only low shrub bush owing to the extreme winds that constantly sweep this end of South America. Looking for animals we were not disappointed. First we came up a Nandu with chicks - it's a South American relative of an ostrich that thrives in these parts.

Nandu with chicksNandu with chicks

Just around the corner our driver spotted a couple of Chilean foxes - probably working hard to see if they might be able to grab a little Nandu for dinner. Mom Nandu was on high alert and kept the foxes well at bay while she herded her babies along.

fox peering over hillsidefox peering over hillside fox on the movefox on the move

After watching the cat and mouse game for a bit - we headed down to the seacoast where the rookery is located. They have set up a largeboardwalk to keep the tourists separate from the penguins - but there didn't seem to be any concern by the penguins as they hobbled along in the grass and on the sand just a few feet beyond our little rope barricade that kept us under control. This penguin in particular didn't appear to understand the presence of furry white bear on the path - and kept hooting and jumping - much to his neighbor's obvious annoyance!

squawking up a stormsquawking up a storm

This guy definitely gets the flexibility award - don't try this move at home!

The beach was full of adults and chicks resting in the sand - looks like this has been a pretty successful year for family development at this rookery.

on the beachon the beach on the beach 2on the beach 2

We wandered the trails for about an hour - and here are some of our new penguin friends that we met along the way. Hope you enjoy as much as we did!

Magallanes penguin at PinguinerasMagallanes penguin at Pinguineras Magallanes at PinguinerasMagallanes at Pinguineras Magallanes at PinguinerasMagallanes at Pinguineras Magallanes at PinguinerasMagallanes at Pinguineras