Journal Entry

This is our 4th day since Cape Horn and we have been pushing with almost full power every minute averaging between 10 and 12 knots depending on the winds and current. I find it so hard to believe that there is this much ocean and not a speck of land we still see nothing but water in every direction. We're now passing over an area of the ocean called the Abyssmal Plain a extremely deep flat area between South America and Antarctica.

ship data 121806ship data 121806

Here is our current location and weather data

Latitude 65 degree 2 minutes south Longitude 89 degrees 36 minutes west Air Temp 1.2 degrees celcius Water Temp 2.1 degrees celcius Sky ˆ partly cloudy with occasional light snow Sunrise 3:15 AM Sunset: 1:30 AM

It is referred to as the abyss due to its geographic features but also to a scarcity of life. It is living up to it‚s name since we only a few albatross with us today a change from the many seabird species we saw yesterday. So I thought I'd take advantage of some down time and have you enjoy some of the ship‚s free time options today.

One of my favorite activities is eating (surprise there eh?) and the dining room always has coffee, juice and a variety of crackers or cookies available between meals. One of my favorites are the Swedish digestive cookies with a glass of lingenberry juice yum!

Mrs. Chippy coffee and cookiesMrs. Chippy coffee and cookies

There is also a little freezer where you can buy icecream anytime you like. I especially like a Swedish ice cream bar called Magnum, it's vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate and almonds .Allan and I usually share one for dessert right before bedtime!

Mrs. Chippy with cookiesMrs. Chippy with cookies

Since I do enjoy eating it's important that I burn off a few calories. I'm actually carrying some extra weight this year that usually would get me through hibernation. One good option is to ride one of the three exercise bikes, the rowing machine, or the treadmill. Since it's still a bit rough I opted for some bike time.

Mrs. Chippy trainingMrs. Chippy training

I also like to work my muscles along with my heart so I lift a few weights too.

Mrs. Chippy lifting weightsMrs. Chippy lifting weights

I'm usually a little tired and even sore after my workout so I head right upstairs from the exercise room and enjoy a good hot Swedish sauna. This has definitely been a new experience for me but I think it's something that I'd love to have in my den back in Barrow.

Mrs. Chippy in saunaMrs. Chippy in sauna

They even have a little tanning bed on-board that I was able to try out, not sure I really like this,  it felt a little claustrophic and left me with a little sunburn on my backside, guess I should have used a little sunscreen eh?

Mrs. Chippy tanningMrs. Chippy tanning

With the exception of the sea ice monitoring, all of the science is now in full gear so I also enjoy wandering about and talking with many of them about their projects and see what I can learn from the experts. For instance Sea World Research Institute biologist Brent Stewart is collecting data on population densities of birds and marine mammals. They've been seeing many different varieties of birds as well as one whale and a couple dolphins. His team observes during all daylight hours so he's very willing to get some assistance from me to see what I can add.

Mrs. Chippy helping BrentMrs. Chippy helping Brent

There are several sea water analysis projects happening in the wetlab on the 2nd deck. Cooper Guest is monitoring nutrient levels, especially nitrate, nitrites and iron - he won‚t really have results until the data is examined by computer back in the lab at Woods Hole in Massachusetts.

Mrs. Chippy with CooperMrs. Chippy with Cooper

Kevin Pedigo is launching a series of remote probes throughout the expedition but has a break until we hit the ice-edge later today. So I was able to join him in a little computer game called Yuri‚s Revenge. Fun game but I think they should incorporate a polar bear defensive strategy into the game  we're as tough as any soldier!!

Mrs. Chippy with KevinMrs. Chippy with Kevin

Melissa and Agneta are looking at the concentration of carbon dioxide along our expedition route using this complicated looking piece of equipment. You can tell just by looking at all the tubing, connectors, and electronics that these are a couple of very smart scientists.


The analyzer pretty much runs itself so I often can find them both outside on the helideck enjoying the beautiful weather we‚re having, watching for birds and whales or simply relaxing.

Chippy and friendsChippy and friends

If I want to play games the ship keeps a complete collection of board games for passing the time "Who wants to be a millionaire?" is pretty tough in Swedish, but other games like Clue and Monopoly are so international that they are easy to pick up.

Mrs. Chippy playing gamesMrs. Chippy playing games

We've also had some sing-alongs in the lounge with Bill Everett on guitar and me helping out with the little bit of piano I know.

Mrs. Chippy playing pianoMrs. Chippy playing piano

There is also a dartboard in our lounge - something a keen-eyed bear like myself can really excel at as you can see from my bullseye.

Chippy bullseyeChippy bullseye

I've always wished I could climb like my black bear cousins but since we have no trees in the Arctic where I live the best I can do is climb up onto pressure ice ridges every now and then. Please don't tell Capt. Adell because I doubt he would approve but one of my favorite activities is to climb the ship's bell and give it a good ring.

Chippy and bellChippy and bell

At the end of the day I find it easiest to calm down by reading a good book. The ship has an entire library of great books, both modern and classic, but I've been focusing on learning the animals so I can tell you about them in my daily updates.

Chippy readingChippy reading

When I‚m tired and ready for bed, it‚s usually best to put on my Ipod and listen to some tunes to drown out Allan‚s snoring! I find that Third Day, Jars of Clay, and Casting Crowns are a perfect way to end the day.

Mrs. Chippy and her iPodMrs. Chippy and her iPod

Well hope that gives you a much better idea of all the options that we have on-board when we have some downtime. No danger of us getting bored that is for sure we‚re sure enjoying everything the Oden has to offer us enroute to Antarctica!