Journal Entry

Well, school has been back in session for awhile now and all my students know about my trip to Antarctica! There is a lot of anticipation and excitement, but I am trying to keep the focus on "the job at hand”, at least for now. I still have about two months before deployment. In fact, right now I am in the middle of finishing all the medical tests needed to get my traveling papers- yep, there’s that too!

On the fun side, there have been some changes and additions to the Science lab here. Two wonderful young ladies, one a former student, who were camp counselors this summer painted a fantastic mural for me! Look at their awesome work! (There is more of the wall mural at the end of this entry)


Thanks Jessica and Jamie!!

Then, my dear friend Marti from Zeeland, Michigan sent me a surprise. She told me it was a traveling buddy. Think I can get him in my carry-on???


           Meet Pinguino! (Spanish for penguin)

And look how well he fits in with the rest of the mural!


                      Which one is Pinguino??

Brain scratcher: Do you know the origin of the word ‘penguin’? Look for the answer in the next posting.
