Location: Straits of Magellan Latitude: 53 Longitude: 70 Weather: Partly cloudy
We pulled out of port at dawn this morning at 5:55! I was awakened by an unusual humming and vibration-I knew we were on the move. However, it was still dark out, and we are not supposed to venture out alone in the dark or in bad weather, so I have no pictures of the actual departure. By the time I got up for breakfast, we were several hours into the Straits of Magellan. As I stood on deck looking at the passing coastlines that surround the straits, I exclaimed to myself:"We are doing it!!!!" After the hectic week(s) of preparations, we were finally heading out. Tish Yager told me that the last of the equipment /supplies they were waiting on in Punta Arena arrived at 4:45 am-that is really cutting it close!!
On behalf of the science teams, special thanks go to Karl Newyear, Bob Kluckhohn, George, Tim, Nicole, Lindsey and Kevin from Raytheon and AGUNSA personnel Luis Mora, Octavio Ojeda, and Jimmy in Santiago. They made things happen so that we could leave at the designated hour.
From here on out, this will be really interesting!