Journal Entry

Latitude: 73.47 S Longitude: 106.42 W Temperature: -3.1 C Wind chill: -20C

This posting is dedicated to our Swedish friends onboard the Oden. The day started out like most with many work stations going. But at 3pm (normal coffee break time) we were summoned to the Port Mess. Now if you read the last couple of journals you remember what happened the last time we were all called down (Neptune's initiation!) So, people were a little nervous walking into the darkened mess hall. The first thing we noticed was a warm pot of a special drink called Glögg served with raisins and almonds, and saffron bread in the shape of the number 8. Then, the sound of singing voices began. It was a celebration of Santa Lucia Day!

Santa Lucia Cecilia Selberg as Lucia with Agneta and Eleni.

Santa Lucia has been celebrated in Sweden since the 19th century. Lucia became a martyr in the 4th century AD because of her Christian faith. Traditionally, Lucia and her friends come to visit early in the morning. Lucia is dressed in white and wears a crown of light in her hair and a red belt. She is followed by a group of girls also in white and a group of boys called Stjärngossar with funny hats.

Procession The Oden Crew Chorale

The procession entered singing and serenaded us with a medley of songs. It was a very nice celebration, and reminded us-here in the middle of the Amundsen Sea- that the holiday season has begun at home. Later, many of us shared holiday traditions and decided it was our turn to do something special. Stay tuned J

**Stjärngossar ***Star Boys*