Journal Entry

Send Your Class or Camp to the Ends of the Earth! Fly your group’s flag over Antarctica and join PolarTREC teachers as they explore science and adventure in the Arctic and Antarctic.**

I have been the Program Director of Camp Fire USA, Camp Talooli for over 20 years. I also am a 9th grade Earth Science teacher at Liverpool High School (just North of Syracuse). Now, I am inviting camps and classrooms across the country to join my PolarTREC international scientific expedition to Antarctica this year, and you can start by exchanging flags with me.

My personal PolarTREC expedition flagEvery group that sends me their flag will get a copy of my offical flag. It is 12 x 18 inches in nylon with brass grommets. It is tough enough to withstand the fierce weather off the coast of Antarctica!

**FLY YOUR FLAG OVER ANTARCTICA! ** ***For Free!*** I created my own expedition flag and I also created a special Camp Talooli Antarctic Expedition flag. I would like to carry YOUR camp’s flag to Antarctica too! If you contact me by email I will send you a blank rip-stop nylon flag that you can decorate. Mail it back to me and I will take your flag and fly it aboard the Oden and over McMurdo Base in Antarctica. I will also photograph it and include it in one of my daily journal posts. When I get back, I will mail your flag back to you. As soon as you send me your flag I will mail you one of my official blue and white expedition flags that you can fly at your camp or in your classroom. Participation in the PolarTREC program and this flag exchange is a FREE educational outreach program and does not cost you anything. I have a limited number of flags to give away so don’t delay!

Camp Talooli Antarctic Expedition FlagThis is an 8.5 x 11 inch ripstop nylon flag that I decorated using fabric paint markers. I created the design on computer paper and then taped the flag over the design. The nylon is so sheer that I had no trouble tracing the image.

For more information and to see examples of the flags, download the 2 pdf files below. Contact Jeff at jpeneston [at]

The flags are sponsored by Camp Talooli, Liverpool School District and the Central New York Community Foundation.