Journal Entry

Oklahomans always joke that if you want the weather to change, just wait a few minutes. I have lived in Oklahoma my entire life and have never experienced so many weather changes in a two week period. The first 11 days were cold, cloudy and snowy. According to long time arctic residents and researchers, to have such an extended cold snap here is rare, but not unheard of.

Snowy TundraThe first two weeks were a snowy, cold challenge.

Luckily, we have been on a warming trend for the last few days and the snow is melting off. I'm actually getting to see some vegetation and learn names of plants. We can take measurements and run trams since there is something to measure.

Warming up for the summerBetter days ahead!

What Happens In the Arctic Doesn't Stay In The Arctic.

What we need to remember is that the arctic weather becomes our weather in the lower 48, in the middle latitudes. We should be paying attention to what is happening up here and care about how the climate is changing because it directly and significantly impacts our lives down south. We should care about how we treat our local environment because what we do in Oklahoma becomes part of a climate feedback loop. Conversely, what we do in Oklahoma, doesn't stay in Oklahoma. The Earth's systems are not like Vegas, baby. We have to educate ourselves and think big picture when it comes to our global ecosystem and the role we play in preserving it.

Brooks Range, Toolik Field Station, AlaskaBrooks Range, Toolik Field Station, Alaska.

The Adventures of Flat Cat

Today Flat Cat helped with the NDVI measurements at Imnaviat Creek.

Flat Cat #11Flat Cat hanging out on the boardwalk at Imnaviat Creek.


Judy Fahnestock

Just remember - those cold windy days are one less day of mosquitos! ;) It's hard to believe that they were one of your biggest concerns now. Hopefully it will warm up enough for you to get 'acquainted' right before you leave. Beautiful picture of the Brooks Range.

Melissa Lau

I am over halfway and haven't had to douse myself with bug spray! I'm sure they will be appearing soon, though!

On 6/19/18 12:21 PM, PolarTREC wrote:

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