Journal Entry
After an unusual beginning to my time in the arctic (weather-wise, that is), routine is beginning to settle in. Not only did we accomplish the Monday To Do list, but got in a bunch of side projects too. Sunny, beautiful days are productive days in the arctic. Today we did:
- Two tram runs (Toolik and Imnavait)-this is over 9 GB of data collected from all the instruments on the MISP
- Shade plot assessments – 36 approximately 15cm plots with two levels of shade cover, collecting qualitative observations and spectroscopy measurements
- Greenseeker measurements at Imnavait – measuring the NDVI, or greenness, of the OTC (open top chamber) plots
- Ecotype garden measurements-measuring NDVI of transplanted tussocks from Coldfoot and Sagwon, and native tussocks from Toolik
- Plant trait sampling-measuring various traits like plant height, leaf length, leaf width, photosynthesis rates, ect. on eriophorum.
That's a lot of science in a day. Plus, did I mention it was a beautiful day?
Beautiful weather means a lot of work can be accomplished. Another beautiful view. This view reminded me of home. Slowly, things are starting to bloom after the cold weather a week ago. These are ledum flowers. Insects are beginning to have a presence. First it was the bees and wasps, then midges and mosquitos, and today I found a ladybug.The Adventures Of Flat Cat
Today Flat Cat supervised the plant trait data collection.
Supervising all the data collection.
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