Journal Entry
<figure class="standalone-image" style="display:block;"><img src="/files/members/michael-wing/images/img4194.jpg" alt="Big boxes with big satellite dishes" title="Downtown Fairbanks" width="500" height="375" /><figcaption class="caption" style="display:block">Downtown Fairbanks</figcaption>

Most buildings in Fairbanks are big, boxy, and unimpressive.  It doesn’t help matters aesthetically that they are really far apart, and that the city is so flat.  There are a few surprising exceptions, though.  Here and there on the side streets you can still find a log cabin.  The Museum of the North is beautiful and remarkable. 

White boxesUniversity of Alaska Office buildingWindow detail More satellite dishesUniversity of Alaska campus

But the main thing is that the low angle of the light and the clean white blanket of snow make everything look interesting.

Museum of the NorthUniversity of Alaska campus Nice looking churchSince it is right on the river's edge, you can see this church from all over town.