Journal Entry

Data days

Contrary to what people will say, there are slow days in research, and those days usually occur on bad weather days. Granted it's more like a half day, but it is still slower than usual. Today is one of those days. It's a cloudy day and there is some intermittent rain, and more is predicted for the upcoming days.

Working on the data!Luis Del Val (left) and Ryan Cody (right) organizing their data.

Researchers are getting sick and there is only three more days of field work left before we head home. Everyone is eager trying to organize data, making sure the data loaded correctly, and if there are errors, we got to go back in the field. Dr. Tweedie and the crew went on the boat today, eagerly trying to bring back as much data as possible – rain doesn't affect their data instruments, like the LIDAR.

That's a lot of dataThe UTEP team uploads and organizes their field data.

The aquatic team is organizing data and heading to the field after lunch. We also have to pack up all the gear that we brought in and make sure that the samples that we collected will make it to El Paso in one piece. Which is good, it gives me time to get all my computer work together. School is starting when I get back, so I have to start planning, creating lesson plans and syllabi while I'm here.The next few days will be busy as we are planning field day with "tourist days" so that we can also go out and see some cool stuff in Barrow.

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