Journal Entry

What am I doing here? Will I fit in? Can I keep up? My mind raced as I rushed to get ready for my first PolarTREC Orientation meeting this morning. Since getting the phone call that I’d been selected as a PolarTREC teacher, I’ve been looking forward to this week with both excitement and trepidation. Will these people be intimidating? Am I smart enough? Before arriving in Fairbanks, I took comfort in knowing that I’d likely find a few kindred spirits among my new PolarTREC colleagues. After today, my anxiety is gone and in its place is a sense of complete exhilaration; the PolarTREC teachers and staff are an amazing group of people!

Polar BearThe welcoming committee at the Fairbanks Airport

While doing introductions this morning, the enthusiasm, dedication and kindness of the people who surrounded me was palpable. The day was a whirlwind of overviews, equipment orientation and icebreakers, but I felt completely at ease. I know when I leave on Saturday, I’ll be sad to go. I also know when I return to school next Monday, I’ll have a charge of energy that I can’t wait to share with my students. I wish I could bottle up my new colleagues and take them home with me to help share the excitement! Although I can’t do that, I know that accessing the websites and following the expeditions of PolarTREC colleagues, past and present, will be a great way to spread the thrill, adventure, and important message of the PolarTREC program. Here we go!