Journal Entry

Happy Halloween from McMurdo! One of my favorite holidays and certainly McMurdo does it up right! I had heard there was a big party planned and that residents would go all out. I had heard correctly! Unfortunately, I left no room in my suitcase for a costume, but clearly others managed to bring theirs! Perhaps I overpacked. I managed to pull together a quick an easy look, as you will see in the pics below!

Festivities took place on Saturday, Oct. 28th due to Sunday being our non-working day. This allows for recuperation time if need be! Throughout the day, various people were spotted, already outfitted in clown costumes and devil horns and such. The dance was slated for 8pm -1am in the big gym and many people were meeting up at the local "establishments" prior to the dance. Yes, McMurdo does have adult establishments. Three of them in fact. Two bars and one coffee house – sort of anyway. At present, only one is up and running with actual adult beverages. The others are currently operating on a BYOB policy until they can train a coffee barista or two and get all the supplies in! They are actually reasonably nice meeting spots and offer plug-in internet so you can do work and chat with friends simultaneously. All of the 'workers' in the establishments do so on a volunteer basis. This is not their full time gig! Hours are limited and so is the selection. Not too much drinking occurs here. People are busy and can't be compromised on their jobs during the week. Which leaves one day for "partying" and there just isn't a lot of it, but Halloween, is still Halloween!

The dance was not what I was expecting. I was figuring on a few decorations and some music. What else is needed for a party in McMurdo? I walked to the gym early to snap a few pictures donning my home-made cat ears and black pants, shirt and sunglasses. A friend had some black make-up and drew cat whiskers and nose on my face. Pretty sure I looked pretty lame! I walked into the gym to discover what looked like a homecoming dance or maybe prom, but with a clear, spooky theme. There were blow-ups, strobe lights, a stage with an actual DJ in costume, spider webs, tables of cookies and beverages for purchase and even several fog machines. I am not sure who is bringing all of these supplies or how they have room, but it was sweet! The music was excellent, old school jams along with a few new ones. I kept thinking I should sweep the dance floor looking for misbehavior. A sure sign I have been chaperoning a few too many dances in my life! Did I dance? Hmm, some secrets will stay in McMurdo! What I can tell you is the dance floor was packed by about 10pm and the sweat plentiful! Thankfully dancers could head outside to the frigid temperatures to cool off in the sunlight. That was probably the only aspect missing, the dark night skies. The gym was dark though, especially under my sunglasses. They held a costume competition... solar eclipse won. Obviously a science minded group! Fun was had by most, though I did hear about a few shirkers tucked in their rooms watching movies! I lasted until 11pm.

DecorationsDecorations starting even before we head into the gym! Door signsContinue at your own risk… be afraid, be very afraid! GymFog, lights and music. I think I'll stay a while. RIPClassic tombstone! Blow-upSeveral blow-ups were spotted. Tough guysTough guys showing off their muscles, not at all phased by the cold! skeletonSkeleton dude, an odd sight against the white snow! A friendMy new friend, Greg, showing off his costume trying to assume the position found in the actual show or cartoon. I sadly wasn't up on his look. Penguin?Kinda looks like a penguin, but maybe a mascot, not entirely sure here! Lights are onLights are going, just need some dancers! Our TeamI managed to coax our team members to join the party! Only time you will see my lame costume! Dance floorDance is starting to pick up… Another view of the floor and decorationsNot a bad set-up for such a remote location! More dancersMore are coming! Ceiling decoEven the ceiling has decorations! TogaYes, that is a toga clad party goer in the background. I kept the red coats on to remind everyone that is was pretty cold, but clearly this guy was feeling pretty warm! DinoDino costume guy was seriously in character "chomping" on everybody as they walked by!

Of course, I must conclude this journal with a flat lorax from Jessica from 1st grade, and Happy Halloween Lorax for Gabby in HS!

Flat Lorax Post CardsFlat Lorax postcards for Jessica in 1st grade and Gabby in APBIO!

Have a fright night everyone!


Gabby Morice

Hi Mrs. Bault!That Halloween party looks great, it looks like there are lots of fun things to do there! Are there any other activities that they host there? I saw your video session yesterday and I loved learning about what you're doing there, the view looks amazing! Also, I love the Lorax you made for me, it looks very spooky! I hope you're having a good time in Antarctica, we miss you!

Gabby Morice

Jennifer Bault

Hey Gabby,
Hope all is well at Nicolet. I miss you kids but think I'll hang out
here a while as it is amazing. I love learning about all the science
going on and talking with some of these well decorated science legends.
The Hallowween party was an experience! There are many activities from
exercise classes to karaoke nights. Its pretty cool. Never time to get
bored or to see everything. I esp. love the science nights. Glad you
like Pumpkin Lorax!

See you in a few weeks, hope class is going well,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:30 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Janet Warburton

Hi Jennifer,It's fun to see Halloween in Antarctica! I don't recall other teachers posting in the past. It looks like they go all out with the event. The weather looks pretty good there and I'm looking forward to following your journals.
Keep up the good work!

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