I have decided to spend a few journals on the fabulous people I have been lucky enough to meet and interact with here in Antarctica. There are many great scientists, artists, writers, divers, specialists and even the crew of the BBC and I would love to include them all, but there are not enough days and not enough time to adequately showcase all of their work. I will pick a few and scatter them through the next couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy getting to know them through my journals as much as I have enjoyed getting to know them!
Greg Neri next to the Emperor Penguin display in Crary.Today's spotlight journal will be on a very talented and award-winning writer, Greg Neri, who had the opportunity to come to Antarctica through a special Artists and Writers Program that serves in an outreach capacity in regards to the science and life going on here. I met Greg on one of the very first nights I was in McMurdo and have since developed a friendship that I hope will be long lasting! Greg currently resides with his wife and daughter in Florida.
Greg Neri and I standing in front of the penguin ranch poster. I am living vicariously through Greg, as everytime he goes out on the ice, he sees penguins. I on the other hand, do not!You may know Mr. Neri through his work. He is the author of several young adult and youth novels and a widely popular graphic novel as well as a picture book on Johnny Cash. Greg also does a great deal of public speaking. He grew up in Los Angeles and attended UC-Santa Cruz. He had hopes of becoming a filmmaker, but shortly into his education realized that writing was a much more immediate way of telling a story. His first book, a graphic novel entitled "Yummy", is a realistic representation of the violence and inner city gangs troubling large cities. The book bears the Coretta Scott King Honor and is often purchased in volume by school districts around the country.
Some titles by Greg Neri. Greg's Book, "Yummy". Picture book on Johnny Cash by Greg Neri.Greg has an incredible attitude and desire to expose young people to the possibilities that exist in life. He tells me, "nothing is gonna happen unless you put yourself out there, and particularly in situations that lie outside your comfort zone." He says he has nothing to lose in trying. So, he generally says "yes" to every opportunity that comes his way. Opportunity breeds opportunity. Greg is a go-getter and inspiring to be around. He is also a fabulous photographer, likely from his days as an aspiring filmmaker.
Penguins, compliments of Greg Neri! More penguin shots by Greg Neri! Emperors by Greg Neri! Line of Emperors by Greg Neri. Cute penguins. Sure wish I could see some. Photo by Greg Neri.Mr. Neri, having grown up in the age of Jacques Cousteau, loved exploration and discovery and this led to an unlimited curiosity. He approaches writing much as a scientist approaches science. He observes something and it grabs his attention. He wants to know the why and how. He seizes the opportunities to answer those questions and appreciates the challenge behind doing so. He doesn't want to write about what he is familiar with, rather, he seeks to find that which he has no knowledge and learn about it. I look forward to reading his new book(s) on Antarctica! Maybe, I will be able to get a personally signed copy!
The book to come… Hope I can get a signed first edition!Flat Lorax cards from Tony in 1st grade and Nathan in APES make there appearance as well today!
Flat Lorax postcards for Tony in 1st grade and Nathan in APES!
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