The second day at SIO proved to be as enriching as the first. I was able to get advice from Jim and some of his crew on how to prepare for the cruise. Check the interviews on the following video clip. Jim also explains in the video why he likes having a teacher on his expedition.
I got a lot more advice that was not taped. My brain is full with useful information that will help me have a magnificent experience. I also started my packing list based on Jim's stories of previous trips in the polar regions. I can tell I will be very buy the next three months as I prepare for the trip.
In the afternoon, we paid a visit to the port where SIO boats can be found when they are not in a remote area of the world. Another of my childhood dreams came true when I boarded Flip. I remember back in the 70's, when Jaques Yves Couteau was inspiring us to discover the mysteries of the oceans, that I read about a unique boat that could flip from a horizontal position to a complete vertical position. I wanted to board such a mysterious vessel.
The fact that a boat can "stand up" is pretty amazing, but I had not thought what needs to happen to achieve the task. Some ingenious minds came up with solutions to having beds, bathrooms, kitchen, labs, etc. to remain in the correct position after the walls become the floor and the floor becomes a wall. Jim correctly described boarding the boat like being on an Escher painting, where random ladders appear on the floor and ceiling. Check the pictures from Flip. You will find a video from Youtube showing Flip flipping.
