Journal Entry

When sharing with students, colleagues, friends, family and strangers the general idea of participating in this expedition I get all sorts of answers. I realized that each person imagines different things by the idea of spending sixty-seven days at sea around Antarctica. Those who fear the cold, even in Wisconsin, imagine a frozen experience; those who seek adventure imagine the last frontier as inviting as a living room; those who have felt sick on a boat before conjure images that I prefer to ignore. Our imagination is amazing!

I decided to record some of people's answers, but I am also curious about what do you think it will be like to be sixty-seven days at sea around Antarctica. I propose that before you see the video below, that you to write on a piece of paper your ideas about the expedition. You can then send them to me at jbotella [at] Or if you prefer, record yourself on a small video and send it to me. I will add to the video below.


What do I think the trip will it be like? All of the above and more. I expect it to leave a very positive mark on me; to fill me with amazing memories that will erase the cold and seasickness that I expect to encounter. I see it as a one in a life opportunity to explore the oceans in a remote area while making good friends.