The path to Antarctica has not always been flat and smooth. It has been challenging to plan at home, school and for trip requirements. People that know me say that planning is not my strength, so stress has been a common denominator. But all this stressed is balanced by wonderful family moments that have come during hte planning stages. These moments have filled me with joy and I am sure I will savor them as I remember the preparation stages in years to come. Ana's snippets are more frequent than Diego's because of their ages. Here are a few that I took the time to record.

Today, as Ana was leaving the house with Diego and Galen, my wife, she gave me a hug and said "I am going to miss you". I will miss you too, I replied, thinking she was saying she was going to miss me while she was out with mom and Diego. "No, I am going to miss you when you go on your trip", and then added, as I was searching for what to say "I hope you will not be cold". And she open the door to leave the hous
I am reading a board book to both kids that shows a different animal for each letter. Diego is on my lap and Ana reclined on my shoulder. As we get to the Penguins Painting, Diego turns around with a huge smile and yells "Papa, Papa!" pointing to the drawing with his finger. I turn to him and say in Spanish, "Is papa going to see penguins?" and he responds "yeah!" still with his smile. Then he turns serious and a bit sad and says "whyyyy?".
''One, two three, four and five. You will fly in five airplanes'' says Ana when I show her the recently created movie that shows the bird's view of the path from Madison to McMurdo Station.
While Diego and Galen are asleep on this early Saturday, Ana is helping me pack. I have been dumping the items from my latest shoppings on a box. Now is time to open the treasure chest hoping that the treasure will actually match the packing list. She sees the two tooth brushes coming out of the chest and asks, "Why are you taking two toothbrushes", "In case a loose one. I will not be able to buy one on the boat", I answered. "Perhaps the penguins will be selling them over there" she replied.
''And if you see that something is going to eat the penguins, you can yell them -run, penguins, run!''
I am not going to school today; the beginning of the adventure has arrived. Ana finds me still asleep on my bed when she wakes up. She stares at me for just the necessary time to wake me up, and then gives me a huge smile. She jumps on to the bed and says ''I do not want you to leave, I do not want you to leave''. I am barely awake and can only mumble ''but I have to go to see the penguins'' as if I really have to go. ''I do not want you to leave without me'', she insists. ''Do you want to come see the penguins with me?'' ''I do not want you to leave me''. ''What would you bring if you come along?'' I say, trying to distract her. ''I would bring dodo''.