Journal Entry

Today we went to get our Extreme Cold Weather gear at the Clothing Distribution Center (CDC), but before I tell you all about getting our parkas, boots and more, let me tell you how the previous night ended…

Entrance to the CLothing Distribution CenterGoing to the CDC is like going shopping for something you wonder when and how are you going to use.

A call was made for all in the science team to meet at a restaurant last night. It was a popular pub in Christchurch that was filed with people by the time I got there. I only knew a couple from the group whom I had met on my trip to Scripps Institution of Oceanography back in November, and a couple more that I had met on the streets of Christchurch. I was one of the first ones to get there. Slowly, the scientific party started to arrive. Some members of the group knew others from previous cruises, and others knew very few, so we all started introducing ourselves to each other. The first question, after having shared our name, was from what lab or institution each of us came. If I had reservations as to how I was going to be treated by the pro oceanographers, being that I am a high school teacher and not a real scientist, they soon dissipate after seeing how well they were accepting me. After sharing my name and then saying that I was a high school teacher, the eyes of my interlocutor would grow, I would see a big smile on his or her face and then hear ''so you are the teacher!'' They all seemed very interested by having a teacher in the group.

This morning I woke up early at 5:45 am so I could see and talk with my family through the computer. Even though I have used Skype in the past to reach my parents and brothers in Mexico City, and friends as far as New Caledonia, I am always amazed by this technology. What Kubrik showed us in Odissy: 2001 as pure futuristic fantasy is now common in many households. So I talked with my family from the wisdom of the future on an early Sunday for me and Saturday midday for them. It was great to see Diego, Ana and Galen on the other side oft he world, even when Ana began to cry imploring for my return.

Skyping with DiegoIt was wonderful to Skype with my family. Here is Diego in command of the controls.

Later on the day the super shuttle picked us up to take us at the CDC. I took a video of our trip along the streets of Christchurch for those of you who have never driven on the left side of big streets.


Here is the party disembarking the super shuttle at CDC

Arriving to CDCAntarctica bound personnel arriving at CDC. I love that each shuttle has a trailer behind for the luggage.

The explanation for how we got the gear will have to wait, as it is getting late and I need to rest for tomorrow's flight. Stay tuned!