Journal Entry

I have been enjoying creating this blog. The organization of my thoughts of the day's adventures and the preparation of the videos and pictures to be posted help me organize the prized memories that I came searching for. I you know some education jargon you will understand the following statement: building this blog demands skills high up in Bloom's taxonomy that cement those memories. If you do not know what this means, you can google it or not worry about it. This is my first time writing a blog, and I have to say it is taking me more time to prepare an entry than I thought it would. So here is what I call the blogger's dilemma: Every second used on creating the blog is a second stolen from the exploration of my surroundings. Should I sit and organized my ideas, choose the right picture and reduced it in size and create a new video, or should I go out there and visit the last museum I have not visited or search for the Catholic Cathedral on the other side of town? To give you an idea, I woke up an hour earlier this morning, at 5:30 am, than I was hoping to wake up, with an urgency for writing this entry that I just could not ignore. My latest journal was organized while waiting for a succulent dish of local lamb on a nice restaurant. I had to write my ideas on the paper table cover…

Table cloth writingI organized the thoughts for my previous entry on the paper table covering at a nice restaurant while waiting for a delicious lamb dish.

And the blogger's torment, at least for a new one like me, is to not know how many people are following what I write. It is easier for me to spend time creating the journal when I think someone out there is spending time reading it. So go ahead and motivate me to wake up early to write this journal by sending me your comments and questions every now and then. Even if it is just to say, ''I am here reading what you write, please keep doing it''. Now back to writing about getting the ECW before I head to the airport to catch a flight to Antarctica...