We are getting ready for moving on board the Palmer. Leaders of each team went to port to see the cargo. A lot of confusion reigned in our scientific party after that field trip. Some misunderstandings on how the cargo was shipped from California back in November meant that some boxes that held chemicals and sensitive equipment that should not have been frozen were left on the dock at McMurdo for months. A typical conversation now a days revolves around frozen chemicals, non-responding equipment, chances of not being able to perform the analysis…. Luckily most people will be able to do their work, but not the ARGO floats. They will be shipped back home. A marvelous view on Thursday morning cheered everybody, when the N.B. Palmer adorned the Ross Sea.
Wonderful view of the Palmer arriving McMurdoWe are to leave the comfort of Man Camp for the boat's quarters at 1:00 pm. I have enough time to stop by the post office and successfully mail two stuffed penguins to my kids. I am glad I could fulfill the promise I made to Ana and Diego. We arrived at the Palmer, a gorgeous looking vessel
Palmer PalmerThey loaded all of our bags using the crane and cargo net. Easier than walking them through the thin bridge.
Cargo net loading our luggage.Here is like how the labs looked when we arrived. They will not look like that for much longer, though, as people began the frenetic process of downloading the cargo and setting it up on each lab.
Main lab emptyFirst we need to gear up for being on the main deck. Steel toe boots and hard hats are mandatory.
Dressing up with steel toe boots and hard hats.The organize the controlled chaos that will ensue. Here Jim and Alex, the two Principal Investigators, helping organize were all goes.
Dr. Jim Swift organizing maneuvers Dr. Alejandor Orsi organizing.And so it begins, and endless flow of boxes that need to find their owner and be placed on the right spot of each lab.
And some photos.
Downloading boxes from the cargo containers. More boxes out of the containers. Never ending stream of boxesThere is some downtime when people wait for the new containers as the empty ones are placed outside of the boat.
Waiting for more cargo. Ben and Sarah waiting for another containerAnd here I am, recording the event and helping carry boxes. Next entry, setting up the labs.
Trying to stay out of everybody's way and help loading boxes while not taking pictures.